Download of a small applet ("red5.exe", 50 kb), written in VB 5, expected to run under every MS Windows version.
The applet generates all reduced 5x5 magic squares, where entries may be prescribed by the user.
A 5x5 magic square is called reduced, if the following nine inequalities hold (see [some theory]):
c01<c05, c01<c21, c01<c25, c01<c07, c01<c09, c01<c17, c01<c19, c05<c21, c02<c04.
reduced 5x5 magic squarefixed entries
the user may prescribe fixed entries, if no fixes are made,
the program starts with the "first" reduced 5x5 magic square,
where the entries c01, ...,c25 are computed in the following order:
c01, c05, c21, c25, c13, c08, c14, c12, c18, c07, c19, c09, c17,
c02, c22, c04, c03, c24, c23, c11, c15, c06, c10, c16, c20.

the user made entries are tested; a passed test means no guaranty,
that there exists a reduced 5x5 magic square with these entries.

the search for reduced 5x5 magic squares begins.
reduced 5x5 magic squares stop
causes a break, the user is asked whether to continue or not.

fixed entries are displayed in red color, the grey numbers
show the algorithm in action.

date and time are displayed when the computation starts
and when the computation ends.

solution number and the last found solution are displayed.

count only
solutions are not displayed, when checked.

stop at next solution
causes a break, when the next solution is found.
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"red5.exe" program download

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